The Words of the King of the Universe

Have we understood that the Son of God, the One we know and who has showed us how to live the true human project that God thought for this race, that project that has fraternity, freedom, the greater love and unity with the cosmos and divinity as its essence, is preparing us for His Return?
13 Apr
editorial 5

Today is Tuesday April 13, 2023.

The Sacred Week ended 2 days ago, those 8 days in which Christ has been with us transmitting His Message to humanity.

In this year of 2023, 73 countries participated in the broadcasts and about 35,000 people heard His Messages in the live programs that were broadcasted by the official channels of Mercy Mary TV and Association Mary, every day of the week at 3:00 p.m., Brasilia time zone.

This year, Christ summoned the working team to Israel, the place from where He appeared to us and transmitted His Messages.

When He summoned us, He explained that He would appear in the Holy Land, a place to which He had not returned with His Consciousness since He lived His Passion more than two thousand and twenty years ago; He would return to activate all the Christic codes kept in the inner and supra-physical planes in that region of the planet, codes that express the degrees of love that He attained throughout His Life, until His Death on the Cross and His Resurrection.

In this way, He would spread throughout that region and to the entire planet, what He had learned and achieved about the Greater Love. These codes would reach all of humanity and thus love would not be banished from the human consciousness.

It would also alleviate the tests that humanity is going through and will go through in these coming times, and human beings would have the opportunity to open their hearts so that His Love, His Light and His Christic Consciousness could enter each being who would open their inner door.

In this way, He would be returning little by little, first within the beings, so that when He physically returned to Earth, the souls that were part of the People of Israel, today scattered throughout the world, and all those who sought the Salvation, could feel it and recognize it.

He spoke to us about the planetary situation, not the one on the news from the surface of the world, but that which is observed through the eyes of God;

- He called us to live a conscious apostolate;

- He gave us indications of how to go through the end times, the times of Armageddon;

- He told us that He will come to reactivate the 12 Tribes of Israel, souls that today are scattered throughout the world and that must awaken to meet with Him at this end time;

- He called us to live redemption, reconciliation and consecration;

- He spoke to us about the vital importance of the sacraments, which give us a new opportunity to live without being weighed down and without guilt;

- He called us to be "victims of His Love".

So many things, right?

Have we understood that the Son of God, the One we know and who has showed us how to live the true human project that God thought for this race, that project that has fraternity, freedom, the greater love and unity with the cosmos and divinity as its essence, is preparing us for His Return?

Have we realized that since 2013, the King of the Universe has been speaking to us, healing us, administering the sacraments to us, and preparing us to receive Him again?

Or is it that we are so anesthetized, so distracted, so abducted by the decadence of this world, that we do not even realize it?

We leave here for everyone, the links of the videos of His 8 Apparitions, from Sunday, April 2 to Sunday, April 9. Also, we leave the links to access each of the transcribed Apparitions, so that you may not only listen to it, but also read and study it.

Everything is available in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Share with those who you feel need a light for their lives.

Peace for all.


People of Israel: each soul that is part of the twelve tribes of Israel, that after living their apprenticeship in ancient times, has incarnated again and again in this world, and that today is living the current apprenticeship, anywhere on the planet. Each of those souls could participate in a religion or none.


S A C R E D    W E E K    2 0 2 3
Apparitions - Israel

DAY 1 - 
DAY 2 - 
DAY 3 - 
DAY 4 - 
DAY 5 - 
DAY 6 - 
DAY 7 - 
DAY 8 - 

Read in Divine Messengers:
transcribed messages

DAY 1:
DAY 2:
DAY 3:
DAY 4:
DAY 5:
DAY 6:
DAY 7:
DAY 8: