
On this page, we will share many expressions of the instruction received.
01 Jan

We are beginning a new cycle, a more direct contact with the public in general, a contact with the spiritual instruction that is transmitted through our Work.

This space will offer the possibility that we may meet to reflect upon the Life of the Spirit in this very difficult time that humanity is going through.

Up until now our exchange had been happening exclusively with the collaborators and servers of our Work, a Work that for more than 30 years has been transmitting reflections, indications and guidelines for us to walk a true spiritual path, trying to take into action each teaching that, as an inspiration, comes from the Heights.

On this page, we will share many expressions of the instruction received. Each month, we will have an editorial in which we will make comments on events or situations of our humankind that we consider important and that will give a spiritual impulse to our world.

The videos of some talks will also be available, talks that we have been sharing in our Work with all its servers on a weekly basis, and that we consider useful to everyone.

We will have spaces in which we will share talks that we carried out in other times, when we only communicated through audio, and that speak about interesting and important subjects for this planetary time.

There will be other spaces in which we will publish articles, excerpts of some books we have written or that we are writing right now and broader reflections, so that we may deepen into spiritual aspects that we have learnt about throughout our life of service.

And, lastly, there will be a space through which we can be in touch and answer some questions, those questions that elevate the consciousness and can grant something new to all.

I give thanks to all of those who will find here something useful for their evolution.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat